Where are the cheapest beverages, clothing and electronics in Europe?

Where are the cheapest beverages, clothing and electronics in Europe?

Eurostat published the CPI, according to which goods and services in Bulgaria are 2 times less expensive than the EU average (48%), and in Denmark - almost 1.5 times more expensive (140%). But there are significant differences in the groups of goods and services, so the cheapest alcohol in Europe can be bought in Bulgaria, clothing - in Hungary, food and electronics - in Poland, writes ee24.com.

Low consumer prices are in Bulgaria (48%), Romania (57%), Poland (57%), Hungary (60%) and Lithuania (65%). Prices in Spain (95%), Germany (102%) and Austria (107%) are closest to the European average. The most expensive goods and services in the EU are in Finland (123%), Luxembourg (123%), Sweden (130%) and Denmark (140%).

Cheapest alcohol and tobacco in the EU are sold in Bulgaria (59%) and Hungary (66%), unlike in Ireland (178%) or Britain (161%). For buying of inexpensive food and drinks is better to go to Poland (62%) and Bulgaria (69%), while it's better to take extra money for travel to Denmark (140%). Hotel accommodation and dinner in the restaurant won't be costly in Bulgaria (47%), Romania (52%) and Hungary (52%), while the most expensive services for tourists are in Denmark (148%) and Sweden (146%).