Russians start to be disillusioned with the European residence permit: only one out of twenty foreign property buyers is considering obtaining a residence permit, writes citing More than half of those wishing to move have purchased property in England, a quarter - in Spain, the seventh part prefered Latvia.
Russian citizens are inclined to regard a residence permit not as a way to become a European citizen, but rather as a Schengen visa issued for a longer term. Getting a Schengen visa, especially when having real estate in the country, is not difficult, and that is why a residence permit slowly becoming a niche product that is enjoyed by those who are actually going to live in Europe.
The process from buying a property till obtaining citizenship may take for up to 12 years, of which 5-10 will be in the status of "temporary resident", and remaining years in the status of "resident." Keeping in mind high costs of maintaining the property during these years, Russians believe that game isn't worth the candle. Many have discovered other, less costly ways of obtaining a residence permit, such as investment in government funds or creation of business.