In August 2013 the volume of production in the construction sector of the European Union rose by 0.4%, while in the eurozone - by 0.5 %, compared to July 2013. However, in annual quantities it fell by 2.5% and 4.7%, respectively, according to citing Eurostat.
Compared to August 2012, production fell in 9 countries and increased in 6 countries. Hungary (14.6%), Romania (8.9%) and Spain (7%) are leaders of the construction boom. Sweden (5%), the UK (3.5%) and Germany (0.1%) are also among growing countries. Construction industry in Portugal (-12.8%), Italy (-10.6%) and Bulgaria (-9.5%) showed a decline. Positions of Poland (-8.9%) and the Czech Republic (-6.9%) are slightly better.
It is noteworthy that the index of production in construction takes into account changes in sectors of building construction and civil engineering. Index is seasonally adjusted.
Actually, the construction industry itself (being only one of the index components) fell by 0.1% in both the EU and the EA, while year-on-year it fell by 1.4% and 4.3%, respectively.