Production in construction has increased in Europe. Slovenia and Spain are leading

Production in construction has increased in Europe. Slovenia and Spain are leading

Portal reports that the production in construction in the European Union has increased by 0.6% monthly and by 7.2% on an annualized basis in April. According to Eurostat, in the eurozone it has increased by 0.8% and by 7% respectively.

Compared with March, the indicators in the construction industry have grown the most in Slovenia (+6.7%) and Spain (+4.8%), and have decreased in Poland (-5.4%) and Romania (-4.7%). Over the past year, the construction of buildings has gained momentum in Spain (+53.4%) and Slovenia (+48.8%), while it has decreased in volume in Portugal (-9%) and Romania (-6.8%).

The index of production in construction in the European Union has reached  97 points. Minimum value was set ​​at the beginning of 2012 (91 points), maximum value - in early 2008 (120 points).