Portal ee24.com reports that the production in construction in the European Union has increased by 0.6% monthly and by 7.2% on an annualized basis in April. According to Eurostat, in the eurozone it has increased by 0.8% and by 7% respectively.
Compared with March, the indicators in the construction industry have grown the most in Slovenia (+6.7%) and Spain (+4.8%), and have decreased in Poland (-5.4%) and Romania (-4.7%). Over the past year, the construction of buildings has gained momentum in Spain (+53.4%) and Slovenia (+48.8%), while it has decreased in volume in Portugal (-9%) and Romania (-6.8%).
The index of production in construction in the European Union has reached 97 points. Minimum value was set at the beginning of 2012 (91 points), maximum value - in early 2008 (120 points).