According to Eurostat, in 2013, the lowest wages in the EU were in Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania, the highest wages - in Denmark, Belgium and Luxembourg, writes
The average salary in Bulgaria amounted to €3.1 per hour, in Romania - €3.5 per hour, in Lithuania - €4.4 per hour. Workers in Denmark (€33.6), in Luxembourg (€30.9) and in Belgium (€27.6) earned more than others in Europe. The average salary in the European Union amounted to €18.1 per hour.
Total spendings per hour (made up of wages, taxes and deductions) of Bulgarian employers amounted to €3.7, of Romanian employers - to €4.6, of Lithuanian employers - to €6.2. Employers in Latvia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, and Estonia spent less than €10.
Costs for the labor force in Sweden (€40.1), Denmark (€38.4) and Belgium (€38.0) were the highest in Europe. The average spendings per employee in the EU were €23.7 an hour.