Lowest wages in the EU are in Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania

Lowest wages in the EU are in Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania

According to Eurostat, in 2013, the lowest wages in the EU were in Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania, the highest wages - in  Denmark, Belgium and Luxembourg, writes ee24.com.

The average salary in Bulgaria amounted to €3.1 per hour, in Romania - €3.5 per hour, in Lithuania - €4.4 per hour. Workers in Denmark (€33.6), in Luxembourg (€30.9) and in Belgium (€27.6) earned more than others in Europe. The average salary in the European Union amounted to €18.1 per hour.

Total spendings per hour (made ​​up of wages, taxes and deductions) of Bulgarian employers amounted to €3.7, of Romanian employers - to €4.6, of Lithuanian employers  - to €6.2. Employers in Latvia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, and Estonia spent less than €10.

Costs for the labor force in Sweden (€40.1), Denmark (€38.4) and Belgium (€38.0) were the highest in Europe. The average spendings per employee in the EU were €23.7 an hour.