List of European countries by change of housing prices

List of European countries by change of housing prices

According to Global House Price Index, in Q2 2013 real estate prices in Europe increased by 0.7%, showing growth for the first time since 2010, according to citing

However, despite the overall growth, the markets of European countries show different dynamics. Thus, compared with Q2 2012, prices significantly increased in Turkey (12.2%), Estonia (11.9%) and Ukraine (10.9 %). At the same time, Greece (-11.5%), the Netherlands (-8.5%), Hungary (-8.2%) and Spain (-7.6%) are literally in end of the list.

We offer you a housing price index (only European countries are specified; data is in percentage terms)

    Q2 2012 - Q2 2013 Q1 2013 - Q2 2013
1 Dubai, UAE* 21.7 5.0
2 Hong Kong* 19.1 1.4
3 Taiwan* 15.4 7.4
6 Turkey 12.2 3.8
8 Estonia 11.9 5.2
10 Ukraine* 10.9 2.3
12 USA* 10.2 7.1
13 Austria 8.5 -0.3
15 Russia* 6.4 1.1
19 Germany 5.4 4.6
20 Norway 5.4 2.6
21 Denmark 5.4 0.8
23 Slovenia 5.0 4.4
24 Switzerland 4.9 0.3
25 Iceland 4.9 3.4
27 Luxembourg 4.1 3.2
29 Finland 3.3 1.4
30 Sweden 3.0 1.5
31 Belgium 2.2 -0.1
33 UK 1.4 2.6
34 Ireland 1.2 2.3
35 Latvia 1.0 1.0
36 Slovakia 0.2 -0.8
38 Czech Republic  -0.3 0.3
39 Malta -0.7 1.5
40 Romania -0.9 4.3
41 France -1.4 -0.8
43 Bulgaria -2.1 -0.1
45 Portugal -2.4 3.4
46 Lithuania -2.6 5.4
47 Poland -3.8 -1.1
48 Italy -5.1 -1.6
49 Cyprus -5.3 -1.6
50 Croatia -5.5 -4.4
52 Spain -7.6 -2.4
53 Hungary -8.2 -2.0
54  Netherlands -8.5 -2.0
55 Greece -11.5 -2.5