Bucharest, Sofia and Krakow are the cheapest cities for tourists

Bucharest, Sofia and Krakow are the cheapest cities for tourists

Eastern European countries have a strong lead in the rating of the cheapest European cities for tourists. €20 per day is enough to stay there, according to ee24.com citing abcnews.go.com.

Bucharest, although "definitely not Romania's most charming town," will cost €16.9 a day. Tourists who want to visit Sofia should have €17.7. The Bulgarian capital has "very pleasant city center that is very welcoming of foreign tourists." Finally, Krakow was named "Europe's best travel bargain" (€18.2 a day).

Price of Travel argues that Sarajevo, Kiev and Riga, are also cheap for travellers (no more than €19 per day). Belgrade, Budapest, Warsaw, Bratislava and Zagreb are a bit more expensive (but still no more than €29.5 per day).