Billionaires prefer London, Paris and Geneva

Billionaires prefer London, Paris and Geneva

British capital is a home to 67 billionaires, the highest number in Western Europe, while in Paris there are 25 billionaires, and in Geneva there are 18. But they prefer to relax in other places. 39 billionaires own villas on the beaches of Cote d'Azur, 18 - in Tuscany, and 9 - in Greece, writes citing

Typical billionaire today - is a married man with two kids, who has more than €2.1 billion. There are 2,170 billionaires in the world, and over the past 5 years their assets increased twofold, to €4.7 trillion.

The report of Beauchamp Estates and Dataloft advises billionaires to pay attention to London neighbourhoods of Mayfair and St John's Wood, as well as to the French Riviera and Tuscany.

Houses in London that billionaires prefer are worth € 26-27 million, with the cost of square meter ranging from €30 to €40 thousand. Villas in Cote d'Azur are a bit cheaper, with a similar cost per unit of floor space. In Tuscany, billionaires usually buy houses for €15 million (€14.5 thousand per sq.m).