According to Ober-Haus Baltic Apartment Price Index, in October 2013, apartment prices in Tallinn increased by 21.4% year on year and by 6.6% compared with this September, reaching €1,337 per sq.m, on the authority of citing Ober-Haus Real Estate Advisors. In Jan-Oct there were by 10% more sales than in the same period of the previous year.
In other Baltic capitals prices also increased, but not that much. In Vilnius - by 1.6% compared to October 2012 and by 0.3% compares to this September, up to €1,208 per sq.m. In Riga - by 1.7% and 0.6%, respectively, up to €1,006 per sq.m.
It is noteworthy that prices stil haven't reached pre-crisis values. Apartmenrs in Tallinn are by 21.7% cheaper than before crisis, in Vilnius - by 39.1% cheaper. Apartments in Riga are by 56.7% cheaper than at the beginning of 2007. It turns out that, having a fixed sum of money, one could buy an apartment in 2007 or 2.3 apartments nowadays.