The was General media partner of Property Worldwide exhibition in Moscow. Below you'll find our report. Splashes of champagne, a bright opening ceremony and plenty of European real estate offers – all this took part in the World Trade Center in April 4-5, 2014.
Regular spring foreign real-estate exhibition – Property Worldwide (PW Expo 2014) was held in Moscow. Previously the exhibition was held near Moscow ring road but this time it was moved from Crocus Expo to the World Trade Center (WTC), located next to the Moscow City. Traditionally exhibition consists not only from exposition, but also from a variety of events, which list has been expanded since the exhibition moved to a new location: conferences, seminars and investment forum. In addition increased the attendance – at some workshops there were up to 30-40 people. The portal was the general media partner of the 13th international exhibition – forum Property Worldwide.

The exhibition was perfectly organized: a bright opening ceremony, dancing, champagne, good lighting and sound insulation. The range of impressions was quite standard for exhibitions: jackets – ties, elegant women – general managers, top-model type and luxury girls.

Against blue and white collar people shows up a crowd of schoolgirls in similar elegant dresses. These girls hang together like ducklings and become modest when cameras appear.
– We're going to dance at the opening ceremony. That will be a tarantella dance.
– And what a country is this dance origin from? – I ask the girls.
– Italy ... No, from Spain ... we have Spanish dresses.
I'm sorry but it's just a children's mistake. Italians at the stand confirmed that this is their dance.
At the opening ceremony the representative of Lithuania began to talk about a free economic zone, that "must be build at their country" and that they welcome everyone. That is very important against the background of huge Russian interest to the real estate in Estonia and Latvia – in this race Lithuania still is an outsider. He speaks good Russian, but visitors occasionally glance at the free champagne. It's a second exhibition, when a sophisticated man constructs a pyramid of glasses and skillfully pours champagne.

Girls dance tarantella. Another dance group dressed in beautiful national costumes is dancing dance called "My Russia".
Exhibition general media partner,, has one of the biggest stands, that looks beautiful despite of its remote location at the end of the pavilion. There is an equipped press center, where video interviews are recorded and a new issue of newsletter, published for the exhibition is presented. There is huge plasma with Internet access and – many visitors are surprised by Chinese version of site.
"Soon the whole Greece and Cyprus will be Chinese", our partner from Cyprus smiles. "You do right while looking toward China. Chinese are actively buying homes in the Mediterranean. I even started to learn Chinese. Nihao!" ("Hello" in Chinese)

The exhibition looks respectable, compact and beautiful. There are many companies, visitors and stands are bright enough. Attention of some male visitors is attracted to the girl in red dress playing golf. Italians glance at her more often.

At the exhibition there are many real estate agencies and developers from the southern countries like: Italy, Cyprus, Montenegro, Greece, Bulgaria and Spain – that are Russian favorite destinations. Geography is expanding: here are such little studied by Russian investors areas as Madeira Island in Portugal, Monaco, the Languedoc-Roussillon region in France, Vietnam, etc. And one of the presentations is dedicated to business immigration in Belgium.
Major Italian developer Skiline Immobiliare came to Russia for the first time. One of its priorities is a big ski resort in the town of Ponte di Legno, in the Dolomites. Italians have already invested about €4.5 million of equity but more than €40 million are still required. That is what company is looking for in Moscow. It is an ambitious and expensive project, like everything else in the Dolomites, the prices on chalets and apartments start from €10,000 per "square".
There is a lot of Italy at the exhibition. Here are developers from Calabria, and real estate companies, like Kalinka Immobiliare – with a clear Russian accent. Recently, some rich Russian started to get rid of real estate in Sardinia, as it does not meet their expectations. Despite of the region popularity, sunbathing all year round here is not possible due to the winds and peculiar climate. Recent Russian activity on the houses market in Liguria, especially near San Remo is another trend. Company flew to Russia looking for new customers.

Here are participants from neighboring countries. You won't find Estonia and Finland and there is only one participant from Latvia, but first appeared Lithuania. Russian newcomer – Giedrius Valuckas, Director of the operating company from free economic zone Kedainiai, which operates in Lithuania for 3 months – is a unique person for real estate exhibition. The purpose of his visit is similar to Italian developers – to find large investors. He sells "special" industrial plot. Among pluses are – minimum tax, state and the EU support, and all products will be "Made in EU". To become a free economic zone member in Lithuania you should invest €1 million and more.
I met many interesting people at the exhibition and recorded some interviews; they will appear in ee24 Daily weekly. Follow our updates!

Text: Pavel Kuznetsov, Moscow – Saint-Petersburg