Are there gender differences in the investment business? Experts from GPH (Generali PPF Holding), which some years ago investigated the investment situation in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland, tried to answer this question.
In these three countries, there was almost the same number of investors-women and men (49.5% to 50.05%, respectively). According to statistics, women are beginning to invest in slightly more mature age than men.
Men, as a rule, operate on larger amounts. The difference in the volume of investment funds was about 40%. This can be attributed to the fact that the representatives of the stronger sex in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe earn around 40% more.
Investment strategy
Women generally adhere to conservative investment strategy and attach great importance to reliability investments.
Men act more risky, preferring sometimes adventurous projects with great profit potential.
Real estate investment
According to experts from the University of California Odin Terrance, and Brad Barber, referring to their impulsiveness, men lose to at least 1% more than more visionary women. Ladies who are inherently more prone to caution, often invest the funds in risk-free assets. And of course, most often the choice falls on real estate.
According to research of Barclay's Wealth, 40% of investors, whose capital is estimated at $50 million, more than half of their funds invest in the purchase of "concrete gold". 49% of women who participated in the survey said they give preference to real estate investment. The same position is shared by only 37% of surveyed men.
The purchase of the object
Men and women behave differently when choosing real estate. Men rather quickly choose an object and try to make a deal in a shorter time. Women are not in a hurry, meticulously review all of the paper, to delve into each phase of the work. In the end, women are more cautious and careful. According to statistics, they make mistakes several times less often than men.
Men are more likely to rely on "word of honor", and are punished. Women are generally distrustful of different kinds of intermediaries. However, they are more likely to follow the advice and recommendations.
This does not mean that investors-men are less likely to succeed than women. On the contrary, their strategy may lead to larger revenues.
Of course, both men and women as investors have their drawbacks and strengths. So if you can't negotiate with your spouse complementing each other - divide your investment portfolio in half!
Text – Alena Eliseeva, ee24