Buyer: Who are you?

Buyer: Who are you?

In Russia still widespread stereotype that the foreign property buyers are generally very wealthy businessmen, representatives of the upper echelons of power, very rich people. Fortunately, these days, this ratio is changing rapidly. Wealth increases, knowledge about life abroad is becoming more, and the person who buys a house in Europe, is no longer what it was before. European real estate portal decided to find out - which of our compatriots are buying property abroad.

Been saving and gained

Once at the property exhibition in St. Petersburg, I met an elderly woman who has a budget of about 5 million rubles and would like to move to live anywhere, "where normal! Climate" is. These buyers tend to have a stable income, gained from 30 to 150 thousand euros and want either to relocate to another country, or be able to relax from the Russian realities at least for a few months. Customers of this type choose apartments and summer houses in Bulgaria, Turkey, Montenegro, Czech Republic, bank property in Germany and on the southern coast of Spain.

Emergency airfield

The second group of customers want to obtain a residence permit in a civilized country. The residence permit is needed not only in order to travel freely in Europe, but also as a fallback if the situation requires them to leave the country. Those who want to quickly drop anchor in the West generally (depending on wealth) select Latvia, Portugal and Cyprus — in these countries a residence permit can be obtained immediately when buying property. Under "Latvian" option customers tend to try not exceed the amount which is sufficient under the law to obtain a residence permit (for Riga it is 142 thousand euros). With this money you can buy a nice apartment of about 80 sq. m. or a small house near Riga.

In Portugal, for the same 500 thousand euros you can buy a nice villa or even a couple of properties, the law allows you to purchase, for example, apartments and a villa in different areas of the country, the main thing that their total value is more than 500 thousand euros.

There are more sophisticated options - to buy a house or apartment in Italy or France, to live here for a long time and get a desired residency. In this case, buyers often choose a villa or apartment on the French Riviera, on the Italian lakes or in Tuscany.

Advanced pensioners

Life goes on, and now it's time to retire for a generation that lived in two countries at three presidents. Most of them are smart people who know about life, if not all, than enough. Enough to follow the example of their Western peers and stake out a spot in the advanced capitalist countries, where you can comfortably and without much anxiety meet your old age. Depending on the funds accumulated for their working lives elderly clients choose Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus. Sometimes, Finland, Latvia and Estonia. The biggest advantage of Baltic republics is the absence of a language barrier.

Young and wealthy

In the advancement some modern pensioners are matched only by young professionals, managers and entrepreneurs. If you have already made the first good money, bought a car and an apartment in Russia, the next target often is buying foreign real estate. These purchases can be divided into two types. The first is for relaxation and pleasure, these buyers choose the objects on the sea, ski resorts, lakes, in the places they like and where it will be nice to spend time. The issue of investment attractiveness of the object often is not considered at all.

The second type - a buyer who is trying to combine the investment component of the pleasure of using the object. Here, look at the kind of "blue chips" - apartments on the French Riviera, in Paris, London, on the coasts of Spain, in the popular tourist towns of Italy, the objects in the countries bordering on Russia. However, such facilities are buying primarily for themselves, and only secondly for rent.


There are investors in the market who are seriously analyze liquidity of investments and the income potential of the acquired object. This property does not have to evoke emotions, it must be suitable to rent out and generate income.Today's European market offers many opportunities for such investments: rooms in hostels, apartments near major universities, apartments with sea views, the objects in the center of major cities, which are visited by millions of tourists. Apartment or chalet in the ski resorts. Such investment will bring 4 to 15% per year on the investment. The most important thing - investments will be protected from inflation and banking crises.

Good customer

The dream of every real estate agent in Europe - the customer with a good budget, such people are as rare as all really good in this world are. We are talking about budgets of € 1 million and above. How much higher? If you pay attention to objects on the southern coast of France, the upper limit can be set between 30-40 million euros! That's how much are luxury villas on the first line with perfect views of the sea, dozens of rooms, gardens, houses for the workers, and many other benefits.

Such customers need luxury, prestige, status. The apartment is 100 square meters in Monaco. m worth 12 million euros because it is in Monaco. The object of larger area in Nice or Cannes, can be 10 times cheaper.

For these buyers price is not of paramount importance. They often have pre-planned budget of € 2 million, and could raise it to 5 million if, for example, the spouse wants so or they like these palms in the yard.

As you can see, today, buyers of european real estate are very different people: with different incomes, different professions and lifestyles. This is confirmed by the statistics, which shows the steady increase in demand for international real estate.

What unites all these people is the desire to invest their funds in stable countries a desire to spend their vacations and free time in countries with a mild climate and to get the most pleasure out of life, especially now, whe there are great possibilities to do so.

Ivan Ulitin,