Sales of new properties in Prague grew by 80%

Sales of new properties in Prague grew by 80%

Czech buyers are investing in a new property. In the first quarter 2013 was recorded 80 percent increase in sales of new buildings in Prague, compared to the same period in 2012, according to portal citing major Czech construction company Trigema.

Since the beginning of 2013, 1,315 new apartments in Prague's houses were sold. The greatest number of deals was signed in the areas Vysočanech (89), Libni (68), Stodůlkách (66).

"Low interest rates on mortgages, sober pricing and termination of permanent changes in the VAT rate have led to a sharp increase in sales in the property market in Prague", said Marcel Soural, chairman and chief executive officer of Trigemy.

In late March 2013, in Prague buildings were counted 6,593 vacant apartments, which is 6% lower than a year ago.