The ongoing migration of Russian families in Bulgaria has led to the fact that in the new academic year, the school bell will go for about 400 children with Russian citizenship. This led to reflect on the creation of Russian schools in Burgas, informs portal, citing NewsBG.
Bulgaria attracts Russians with its climate and close mentality of the friendly people. Many come here with families and children. Teaching a child in the Bulgarian school costs about €1,000 per year. More and more Russians insist on opening the Russian school, and the mayor of Burgas went on cooperation and even chose a building that will house the school.
The school will be kept entirely by the Russians, who will pay the rent of. Graduates of the school will receive two certificates of completion of secondary education, because the school program will combine the Bulgarian and the Russian education systems.
At the moment, it is planned that the Russian school in Burgas will be opened September 15, 2014.