Notaries: Property in Spain has grown in price by 8.9%

Notaries: Property in Spain has grown in price by 8.9%

According to the General Council of Notaries of Spain, in January property in this country has gone up in value by 8.9% year on year, and the price of square meter has reached €1,294. Apartments in Spain is worth €1,421 per sq.m (+12.1%), houses and villas - €1,038 per sq.m (+2.7%), according to citing

Notaries remind that property in Spain is still worth by 31.4% less than before the crisis. However, they note that a negative trend, which was observed in the last months of 2013, was reversed in January.

In January 2014, sales increased by 59.2%, to 23.4 thousand transactions. It happened due to the low base effect: the number of transactions dropped sharply in January 2013 amid the elimination of tax benefits when purchasing the main dwelling.